Cookies Policy

When you use our sites, we and third-party companies collect information by using cookies and other technologies such as pixel tags (for simplicity we refer to all such technologies as 'cookies'). A cookie is a text file containing small amounts of information which a server may download to your computer, mobile or tablet when you visit a website or use an app. A pixel tag (sometimes called a web beacon) is an invisible image with a line of code which is placed within an email message or on a web page.

There are different types of cookies which are used to do different things. These include letting you navigate between different pages on a website efficiently, remembering preferences you have given and helping us to identify ways to improve your overall site experience. Others are used to provide you with advertising, which is more tailored to your interests, or to measure the number of site visits and the most popular pages. To find out more about cookies visit or
To help you understand the different types of cookies we use on this website and what they do, we have grouped cookies into four categories as described in the ‘Cookies used on our sites’ section below.
By accessing and using our sites, you accept Bupa’s use of cookies in the manner as described under this policy. In this Cookies Policy, "Bupa" means Bupa (Asia) Limited.
Information collected via cookies and other technology The information we obtain from our use of cookies will not usually contain your personal data. Although we may obtain information about your computer or accessing devices such as your domain, IP address, your browser type, operating system etc., this will not normally identify you personally. In certain circumstances, we may collect personal information about you - but only where you voluntarily provide it e.g. by completing an online inquiry form or where you purchase services from us.
We may share overall visitor trends and other generic information collected on our website with third parties, but we will not disclose any personal details or personally identifiable information without your specific consent.
We do collect non-specific visitor information by third-party web beacons and cookies from vendors, including Facebook and Google, via the means of web analytics tools such as Facebook Pixel and Google Analytics on most parts of the website, in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to an individual. This information is related to your browser and operating system and does not include any personal details. You can find out more about Facebook and Google Analytics on their respective websites.
How can you control the use of cookies?
Some cookies are essential to the operation of our sites, we call these necessary cookies, and they cannot be rejected. You can block cookies by activating specific configuration within your browser that allows you to block the setting of all or some cookies. Please be aware if you choose to block all cookies (including those necessary cookies) you may not be able to access all or part of our sites and may be unable to use those services or engage in activities that require the placement of cookies.
If you wish to remove cookies, you could use your browser setting to delete your cookies at any time. For further information about how to manage cookies, please follow the 'Help' option in your internet browser for more details. Cookies used on our sites We have grouped the cookies used on our sites
into four categories as set out below. As well the cookies we use, we work with third-party companies who place cookies on your device. Please note that the data they collect may also be subject to their privacy policies.
Cookies help us provide you with the best Blua Health experience
We use cookies to analyse our website performance, to enhance and customise content and for advertising purposes. Please click “Acknowledge” to accept our use of cookies. To find out more please click Cookies Policy for details.